Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Global warming strikes again.

global warming proofBallarat and large parts of central Victoria were carpeted in snow today.

First the drought breaks and now this? It must be hard being a global warming advocate these days with it being so ludicrously cold.

"A FREEZING snap has hit with snow falling, power use surging towards a winter record, and Melbourne shivering through the coldest day in nine years"

Bleeding heart topics like global warming, ozone layer depletion and acid rain (in reverse chronological order) are just convenient issues for some people to associate with. Rather than get involved in genuine, serious issues, like drugs, terrorism, child abuse, alcoholism and other scourges of society where the common man can actually have an impact for good.

Instead of actually subscribing to a fight that might be hard or dirty, but actually achieve some genuine good, people can choose to simply subscribe to the global warming 'crisis' and then it's as easy as turning off a few appliances and installing low energy light bulbs.

By a lucky coincidence that also helps with the household finances and is kind of trendy right now too. What a perfect cause for the hip and savvy, all the feel good emotions without the blisters and the heartache.

And what's better about global warming as the cause of choice for so many is that, assuming it is real, it's so big there's nothing serious the average person could do to stop it. So, if it doesn't ever get any better then they can't be blamed.

Even better, if it could get any better for the easy cause subscriber, if the whole thing turns out to nonexistent, and man made global warming doesn't exist, then they can all pat themselves on the back and congratulate themselves for preventing it with their hard work and the low energy light bulbs.

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